Tuesday, February 26, 2008

An alternative way to dealing with feminism

It appears as if there is a strong resistance and some backlash to the new opportunities that many women now have in their lives.

Improving the ways in which men interact with each other so that men can find social and emotional support without denying women freedom seems like a good way to go.

Where are the men's groups?

Do you or a man that you know need a prostate cancer support group?

Do you or a man that you know want to find a childrens play group that is friendly to
single or stay at home dads?

Do you or a man that you know want to find a support group for divorced or widowed men?

Do you or a man that you know want to be involved in a charitable organization
where men talk to each other and contribute to society?

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Caring Guys Arts and Media Awards

The purpose of this blog is to support the Caring Guys Arts and Media Awards related to men's friendships shown in the arts and media.


Finding portrayals of a positive masculinity
because the violence, senseless rivalries,and isolation cannot end without a replacement.